Tattoo Fails That Will Make You Wonder What People Could Have Possibly Been Thinking

via: Reddit

Cool, very corpse-like. Unless that mom is current;y in a state of living death (like she’s been bitten by a zombie and is seconds away from turning), she’s going to be disappointed.

via: Reddit

As the hero who got this tattoo valiantly attempted to explain, “For those of you who think I spelled my tattoo wrong, I didn’t. I wanted to spell it wrong because the real meaning of ‘Veni Vidi Vici” is ‘I came, I saw, I conquered’ and I don’t feel like I have achieved those last two. Once I do them then I will get my tattoo spelled the right way.”

via: Reddit

First of all, I don’t know what a “ting miracle” is.

And second, this baby is going to be born in about 54 years, and I. Am. Ready.

That’s not a suit. Sorry, but that is just not a suit. It’s not a suit.

via: Reddit

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